Posted in Netrokona, Tours

Birishiri, Netrokona – A day long tour

ঘুড়ে আসুন অপরূপ শ্বেত শুভ্র চিনামাটির পাহাড়ের পাদদেশ বিরিশিরিতে ।

নেত্রকোনা (Netrokona) জেলার উত্তর প্রান্তে গারো পাহাড়ের পাদদেশের এক জনপদের নাম। যেখানে বয়ে গেছে টলটলে জলের সোমেশ্বরী (someshwari river) আর দিগন্ত হারিয়েছে আকাশ ছোঁয়া সবুজ পাহাড়ে। ছোট্ট একটি জায়গার পরতে পরতে বেড়ানোর মতো অনেক জায়গা রয়েছে দুর্গাপুরে (Durgapur)। আদিবাসী সাংস্কৃতিক একাডেমি  দুর্গাপুরের (Durgapur) বিরিসিরি (Birishiri) ইউনিয়নে অবস্থিত আদিবাসী সাংস্কৃতিক একাডেমি। এ অঞ্চলে বসবাসকারী ক্ষুদ্র নৃগোষ্ঠীর জীবন যাত্রার নানা নিদর্শন সংরক্ষিত আছে এখানে। বিরিশিরিসহ সুসং দুর্গাপুর (Durgapur) ও এর আশপাশের উপজেলা কলমাকান্দা, পূর্বধলা, হালুয়াঘাট এবং ধোবাউড়ায় রয়েছে গারো, হাজং, কোচ, ডালু, বানাই প্রভৃতি ক্ষুদ্র নৃগোষ্ঠীর বসবাস। এদের জীবনধারা যেমন বৈচিত্র্যময়, তেমনি বৈচিত্র্যময় এদের সংস্কৃতিও।

কি আছে এখানে (Birishiri, Netrokona)

  • ঢাকা থেকে রওনা দিয়ে নেত্রকোনার (Netrokona) দুর্গাপুর (Durgapur) উপজেলার বিরিশিরি (Birishiri) ভ্রমন করার জন্য চমৎকার একটি জায়গা। এখানে অসংখ্য লাল, গোলাপী, বেগুনী চিনামাটির পাহাড় রয়েছে। পাহাড় চূড়ায় গড়ে ওঠা মিশনটির পূর্বপাশ দিয়ে বয়ে যাওয়া খরস্রোতা পাহাড়ী নদীর নাম – সোমেশ্বরী (someshwari river)। পা বাড়ালেই ওপারে ভারতের মেঘালয় রাজ্য।
  • সোমেশ্বর নদী (someshwari river) দেখতে খুবই চমৎকার। নদী পার হয়েই রিক্সায় যেতে হয় বিজয়পুর সাদামাটির পাহাড়ে। এখানে রয়েছে বিজয়পুর সাদামাটির অঞ্চল, রানীঘং মিশন, বিজিবি ক্যাম্প, রামকৃষ্ঞ মিশন। সাদামাটির পাহাড় থেকে মাটি নিয়েই বাংলাদেশের সিরামিক কোম্পানীগুলো চলে। পাহাড়ি রাস্তায় চোখে পড়বে আদিবাসিদের যাতায়াত। নারী আর শিশুই বেশী। পিঠে ঝুড়ি নিয়ে তারা যাচ্ছে সীমান্তের বাজারে। রানীঘং যাওয়ার পথে পড়বে রাশমনি হাজং স্মৃতিসৌধ।
  • বিজয়পুর পাহাড়  রাশমণি স্মৃতিসৌধ থেকে প্রায় দেড় কিলোমিটার দূরে বিজয়পুরে আছে চীনা মাটির পাহাড়। এখান থেকে চীনা মাটি সংগ্রহের ফলে পাহাড়ের গায়ে সৃষ্টি হয়েছে ছোট ছোট পুকুরের মতো গভীর জলাধার। পাহাড়ের গায়ে স্বচ্ছ জলাধারগুলো দেখতে চমত্কার।
  • এছাড়াও দূর্গাপুর (Durgapur) থেকে ৬ কিলোমিটার উত্তর সীমান্তে পাহাড়ের চুড়ায় রানীখং গীর্জা অবস্থিত। এই পাহাড়ের চুড়া থেকে বিরিশিরির (Birishiri) সৌন্দর্য যেন অন্য মাত্রা পায়।
  • শ্বেত শুভ্র চিনামাটির পাহাড়ের পাদদেশ দিয়ে বয়ে গেছে অপরুপ নীলের উৎস সমেশ্বরী নদী (someshwari river)। যা বর্তমানে কয়লা খনি হিসেবে পরিচিত। এই নদীর নীল জলে সাদা চিনামাটির পাহাড়ের প্রতিবিম্ব যেন এক অলৌকিক সৌন্দর্যের প্রতীক। এক কাথায় অসাধারন!! এছাড়া হাতে সময় থাকলে ঘুরে আসতে পারেন সাগর দিঘি। বেড়ানোর জন্য অপূর্ব জায়গা।

কীভাবে যাবেন,কেমন খরচ? (How to go Birishiri, Netrokona)

বিরিশিরি (Birishiri) আপনি খুব সহজেই জেতে পারেন।

  • যাবেন ঢাকার মহাখালী বাস স্টেশন থেকে সরাসরি দুর্গাপুর যাওয়ার বাস ছাড়ে। এ পথে চলাচলকারী দু’একটি বাস সার্ভিস হলো সরকার, জিন্নাত ইত্যাদি। ভাড়া ২৫০-৩৫০ টাকা। ৫-৭ ঘন্টার মধ্যেই আপনি পৌছে যাবেন অপরুপ প্রাকৃতিক সৌন্দর্যে ভরপুর বিরিশিরিতে (Birishiri)। বিরিশিরির (Birishiri) বাস বলা হলেও এটি মূলত সুখনগরী পর্যন্ত যাবে। সেখান থেকে নৌকায় ছোট নদী পার হতে হবে। ওপার থেকে রিকশা, টেম্পু ,বাস বা মোটর সাইকেলে দূর্গাপুর যাওয়া যায়। ওদিকটার রাস্তা খুব একটা ভাল না। রিকশায় গেলে ৮০-১০০ টাকা। বাস বা টেম্পুতে জনপ্রতি ভাড়া ২০ টাকা। এছাড়া মোটর সাইকেলে ২ জন ১০০ টাকা লাগবে।
  • এ ছাড়া রেলে ময়মনসিংহ গিয়েও সেখান থেকে বাসে বিরিশিরি (Birishiri)  আসতে পারেন।

কোথায় থাকবেন (Birishiri, Netrokona resort and Birishiri, Netrokona hotel)

  • দুর্গাপুরে (Durgapur) থাকার জন্য সবচেয়ে ভালো ব্যবস্থা হলো ইয়ুথ মেন খ্রিস্টান অ্যাসোসিয়েশন বা ওয়াইএমসিএ-এর রেস্ট হাউস।

এখানকার কক্ষ ভাড়া ৩০০-৫০০ টাকা।

যোগাযোগ : ০১৭১৬২৭৭৬৩৭, ০১৮১৮৬১৩৮৯৬।

  • এ ছাড়া আছে ইয়ুথ ওমেন খ্রিস্টান অ্যাসোসিয়েশন বা ওয়াইডব্লিউসিএ পরিচালিত আরেকটি রেস্ট হাউস।

এখানকার কক্ষ ভাড়া ৩০০-৬০০ টাকা।

যোগাযোগ : ০১৭১১০২৭৯০১, ০১৭১২০৪২৯১৬।

  • এ ছাড়া দুর্গাপুরে (Durgapur) সাধারণ মানের কিছু হোটেল আছে।

স্বর্ণা গেস্ট হাউস (০১৭২৮৪৩৮৭১২),

হোটেল সুসং (০১৯১৪৭৯১২৫৪),

হোটেল গুলশান (০১৭১১১৫০৮০৭) ইত্যাদি।

এসব হোটেলে ১৫০-৪০০ টাকায় থাকার ব্যবস্থা আছে।

  • এছাড়াও পাহাড়ের চূড়ায় ক্যাম্পিং করতে পারেন।

কী খাবেন (Special Foods in Birishiri, Netrokona)

  • নেত্রকোনা (Netrokona) জেলার বিখ্যাত খাবার বালিশ মিষ্টি খেতে ভুলবেন না কিন্তু!!!

সতর্কতা ও প্রয়োজনীয় তথ্য (Information)

  • খুব কম কাপড় নিতে হবে যেন ব্যাগ হালকা হয়।
  • ওডোমস ক্রিম নিতে হবে মশা হতে বাচার জন্য
  • হাটার জন্য ভাল গ্রিপ করে এমন প্লাষ্টিকের স্যান্ডেল পরতে হবে। তবে স্যান্ডেলটি আগেই পরে পায়ের সাথে মানিয়ে নিতে হবে।
  • থ্রি কোয়ার্টার বা শর্ট প্যান্ট পরে নিতে হবে।
  • রেমাক্রী হতে নাফাখুমের পথে যথেষ্ঠ পরিমান খাবার ও পানীয় নিয়ে নিতে হবে।
  • ফাষ্ট এইড ও চর্ট লাইট নিতে হব।
  • প্রয়োজনীয় ঔষধপত্র সাথে নিয়ে যাওয়া উত্তম
  • প্রত্যেক টুরিষ্টের নাম, পিতার নাম, ঠিকানা, বাসার ফোন, পেশা ইত্যাতি লিতে কমপক্ষে ১০ টি ফটোকপি করে নিয়ে যেতে হবে।

যা সঙ্গে  নিবেন (Birishiri, Netrokona)

  • মশা যাতে না কামড়ায় সে জন্য মলম অডোমাস, বর্ষাতি, ছাতা, পর্যাপ্ত টয়লেট টিস্যু, হাফ বা থ্রি কোয়ার্টার প্যান্ট, পিচ্ছিল পথে হাঁটার উপযোগী স্যান্ডেল, টুকটাক ওষুধ, বারান্দাওয়ালা টুপি, টি-শার্ট, তিনদিকে সেলাই করা বিছানার চাদর (ঘুমানোর জন্য), টর্চলাইট, হেডল্যাম্প, এমনকি ক্যামেরার জন্য বর্ষাতি।


Posted in Dhaka, Tours

Savar one day tour – Near to nature

Savar or Shabhar is an Upazila of Dhaka District in the Division of Dhaka, Bangladesh. It is located at a distance of about 24 kilometers (15 mi) to the northwest of Dhaka city. Savar is mostly famous for Jatiyo Smriti Soudho, the National Monument for the Martyrs of the Liberation War of Bangladesh.

Jatiyo Smriti Soudho – National Martyrs’ Memorial

This is the national monument of Bangladesh is the symbol in the memory of the valor and the sacrifice of all those who gave their lives in the Bangladesh Liberation War of 1971, which brought independence and separated Bangladesh from Pakistan. The monument is located in Savar, about 35 km northwest of the capital, Dhaka. It was designed by Syed Mainul Hossain.
Plans for the monument were initiated in 1976. Following the site selection, road and land development, a nationwide design competition was held in June,1978. Following evaluation of the 57 submissions, Syed Mainul Hossain’s design was chosen. The main structure and the artificial lake and other facilities were completed in 1982. It was Inaugurated on 16 December 1982.
Duration: 2-3 hrs

Jahangir Nagar University 


Jahangirnagar University is a renowned public university in Bangladesh, located in Savar Upazila, Dhaka. It is the only fully residential university in Bangladesh.

Jahangirnagar University stands on the west side of the Asian Highway, popularly known as the Dhaka-Aricha Road, and is 32 kilometers away from the capital. There a significant number of buses moving towards JU from different location of Dhaka city. From Gulistan, Farmgate and Gabtoli Bus stop local and direct Buses available all the day. You ride of those moving there at the Varsity via Dhaka-Aricha Highway. After crossing Savar Bus Stop it is Just 10 minutes away by Bus.
The campus is surrounded by natural beauty such as different trees, lake etc. In the winter season, different birds are fly over here. For your lunch, you can also taste the mouthwatering food of Battola of campus.

Amusement Park – Fantasy Kingdom & Nandan Park 

The Fantasy Kingdom has become a favorite destination for group outings, picnics, company or family day out. Attractive packages are available. Facilities for arranging a conference, annual general meeting or any corporate event, birthday, wedding or any family party, photo session or video shooting are also available here. Fantasy Kingdom is FUN, LOUD & OUT OF THIS WORLD. And the most happening place and amusement park in Bangladesh. People come to visit the Fantasy Kingdom from all the corner of Bangladesh.

Nandan Park was inaugurated on 3rd October -2003. Nandan Park is now country’s largest and only family Amusement Park, which is attracting largest crowd every day. 

Most of the rides and amusements are for the first time in Bangladesh like 5D Cinema Theater, Cable Car, Water Coaster, Tilt-A-Whirl, Ice-Land, Musical Dancing Fountain, Wave pool and so on. This park is specially designed for wholesome family day out amusement and the rides have been carefully chosen so that everybody of the family can take the ride without being scared. Nandan Water Park – “Water World” was inaugurated on May-2004. Water Park consists of 08 rides.

Transportation: Taxi, Microbus, Car. Rent: 3500 – 4000BDT whole day.
Content: offroadbangladesh & photo: google
Posted in Dhaka, Tours

3 Days Tour to Dhaka City

Dhaka is the capital of Bangladesh, this is the center city also. You will arrive here first where ever you come from. So you have to start your journey from here. Here is my 3 days plan to visit Dhaka City. Hope after 3 days you will explore Dhaka, experience more interesting fact about Dhaka.


Dhaka is a rush city so you have to start early to cover all the places.

Day 1 – Old Town TourBraekfast: Start your day with delightful deshi breakfast, go straight to old town Al-Razzak Hotel. (Parata, chicken jhal fry, Khichury, Nehari, Tehari, Tea, etc mouth watering food) After breakfast you can take a walk to visit Sadarghat Terminal (Launch and boat terminal). It is a noisy place and not so clean but you can see Buriganga river from here.

Ahsan Manzil

Ahsan Manzil – An architectural heritage of Bangladesh.
Duration : 1 -2 hrs

Armenian Church
 –  The church bears testimony to the existence of a significant Armenian community in the region in the 17th and 18th centuries.
Duration: 30mins
Star Mosque – The mosque has ornate designs and is decorated with motifs of blue stars. It was built in the first half of the 19th century
Duration: 30mins

Lalbagh Fort
 – Lalbagh fort is a Mughal palace one of the greatest heritage site of Dhaka
Duration : 1 -2 hrs

Dhakeshwari Temple – An old and historic temple of Hindu religion.It was built in the 12th century by Ballal Sen,
Duration: 30mins

Lunch: Now it’s lunch time. For lunch there are a lot of option in Old town. Some traditional and historic restaurants are :
Nanna’r Biriyani, Haji’r Biriyani, Kalkata Kachi Ghar, Hotel Star, Nirab Hotel, etc.
Items are:
Kachi Biriyani, Vuna Khichury, Tehari, different types of Vorta (smashed item), Lachi, Borhani most of them are mughal recipe.
Dessert: Don’t miss the collections of tasty Sarbat (Juice), lachi and faluda from – Beauty Lacchi
BDT120 – BDT1000


Shaheed Minar, Curzon Hall, National Museum

Dhaka University Campus, Shaheed Minar-Martyr Monument, Curzon Hall, TSC, Fuller Road, National Museum, New market – A market for anything that quality and cheap.
Duration: 5 – 6hrs

Dinner: You can choose your dinner from nearby location of your hotel. List of the best restaurant in Dhaka city. Restaurants are located mainly area based : Gulshan 1 & 2, Banani, Uttara, Khilgaon, Baily Road & Dhanmondi and a variety of collection: traditional, Indian, Mughal, Arabic, Mexican, Italian, western, etc.

Transportation: Taxi, Microbus, Car. Rent: 3500 – 4500BDT whole day.

Day 2 – Old Capital Tour in Sonargaon

Start journey for Sonargaon, 50km away from Dhaka city. Start early in the morning it requires 1.5-02 hrs to reach depending on traffic. You can hire taxi, car, microbus or if you are a team can also hire a minibus.

At first visit Goladi Mosque –  Built in 1519, this graceful single-domed mosque is the most impressive of the few extant monuments of the original capital city, and a fine example of pre-Mughal architecture.
Duration: 1 hr

Shonargaon_Folk_&_Craft_Museum (1)

Now it’s time for Sadar Bari – Folk Arts and Crafts Museum,  a beautiful rajbari (palace) built in 1901 inside which is located the Folk Arts and Crafts Museum full of folk arts and handicrafts from the 17th century onwards. We’ll also visit the adjacent new museum building of folk arts. This museum represent the authentic culture and heritage of Bengali nation.
Duration: 2-3hrs

Panam Nagar
 Constructed between 1895 and 1905, this tiny settlement consists of a single street, lined with around 50 mansions built by wealthy Hindu merchants, abandoned during the partition between India and Pakistan when the owners fled to India. This is a highlight of Bangladesh Old Capital Tour.
Duration: 2-3hrs

Visit a primary school for disadvantaged children from Hindu society fully made of bamboo. Consider bringing some pencil/chocolate for the children to support the poor students.
Duration: 1hr

After Sonargaon tour you will have some free time so by this time  you can visit Hatirjheel – a beautiful lake. There is some tourist bus moving around the lake after every 5 mins. It is better to take a ride by this bus to view the whole lake at a glance.
8447571141_be52db0605_bAt night, the lake decorated with lots of colorful light. |
Duration: 1hr

Dinner: You can choose your dinner from nearby location of your hotel. List of the best restaurant in Dhaka city. Restaurants are located mainly area based : Gulshan 1 & 2, Banani, Uttara, Khilgaon, Baily Road & Dhanmondi and a variety of collection: traditional, Indian, Mughal, Arabic, Mexican, Italian, western, etc.

Transportation: Taxi, Microbus, Car. Rent: 4000 – 5000BDT whole day.

Day 3 Savar Tour, near to nature


  1. Start early morning and hire a suitable vehicle for the whole day. Today’s first destination will be Jatiyo Smriti Soudho – National Martyrs’ Memorial. This is the national monument of Bangladesh is the symbol in the memory of the valor and the sacrifice of all those who gave their lives in the Bangladesh Liberation War of 1971, which brought independence and separated Bangladesh from Pakistan.
    Duration: 2 – 3hrs
  2. Next, we will move for Jahangir Nagar University Campus, most beautiful and the natural campus of Bangladesh. You can have your lunch in Battola-(3/4 small restaurant) they have a lot of variety of food for lunch.
    Duration: 2 – 3hrs
  3. After lunch, you can go for fun in Fantasy Kingdom or Nandan Park – The amusement park and water world.
    Duration: 2 – 3hrs
  4. At evening, you can go for visit Bangladesh National Assembly Building – Discover the finest architecture of world famous architect Louis Kahn – Bangladesh National Assembly Building – one of the largest legislative complexes in the world, and one of the twentieth century’s most significant buildings.

Dinner: You can choose your dinner from nearby location of your hotel. List of the best restaurant in Dhaka city. Restaurants are located mainly area based : Gulshan 1 & 2, Banani, Uttara, Khilgaon, Baily Road & Dhanmondi and a variety of collection: traditional, Indian, Mughal, Arabic, Mexican, Italian, western, etc.

Transportation: Taxi, Microbus, Car. Rent: 4000 – 5000BDT whole day.

Cinema: Star Cineplex and Blockbuster Cinema

Shopping: Bashundhara Shopping Complex, Jamuna Future Park, Dhaka New Market.

Book your taxi or vehicle using or

If you come from abroad you will land at Shahjalal International Airport, Dhaka. You can reserve your hotel advance. Here is the list of some nearby hotel from airport:

Hotel Le Meridien 
Phone: (880)(2) 8900089, GENERAL ENQUIRIES Phone: (880)(1) 990 990 990

HOTLINE: +88 01713332651-54

Tel: +880 2 983 4555

Amari Dhaka, Bangladesh
Tel. +880 2 5505 9620

Click here for more hotel list
Per night cost BDT 1500 – BDT23000

Hope after finishing your 3days tour you will have a summary of knowledge about Dhaka and overall Bangladesh If you have any query and feedback please contact us@

Posted in Dhaka, Sonargaon, Tours

Sonargaon – Top Attractions, One Day Tour

Shonargaon_Folk_&_Craft_Museum (1)

Sonargaon ( সোনারগাঁও; meaning the City of Gold) was a historic administrative, commercial and maritime center in Bengal. Situated in the center of the Ganges delta, it was the seat of the medieval Muslim rulers and governors of eastern Bengal. Sonargaon was described by numerous historic travelers, including Ibn Battuta, Ma Huan, Niccolò de’ Conti and Ralph Fitch as a thriving center of trade and commerce. It served as the capital of Sultan Fakhruddin Mubarak Shah, Isa Khan and the Baro-Bhuyan Confederacy.

The area is located near the modern industrial river port of Narayanganj in Bangladesh. Today, the name Sonargaon survives as the Sonargaon Upazila (Sonargaon Subregion) in the region.

Goaldi Mosque – The historical sultan Mosque

Sonargaon contains quite a number of Archaeological evidence, helping the scholars to reconstruct the Medieval History of Sonargaon area of Bangladesh. Goaldi Mosque, one of the very few surviving medieval monuments in the city of Sonargaon. About 6 km northwest of the little township of Panam, near Sonargaon in Narayanganj district, there are two such precariously surviving old single-domed mosques in the sequestered hamlet of Goaldi, virtually hidden behind thick bamboo brakes and clusters of mango and jackfruit tree groves.

Built in 1519, the graceful, single-domed Goaldi Mosque is the most impressive of the few extant monuments of the old capital city, and a good example of pre-Mughal architecture. This mosque is one of the few remnants from the Sultanate period in Sonargaon, during the reign of Sultan Hussain Shah in 925 Hijri (1519 AD). It was built by Mulla Hizabar Akbar Khan in the early 16th century, during the reign of Alauddin Husain Shah at a place called Goaldi – half a mile northeast of Panam village in Sonargaon. Sonargaon was the administrative center of medieval Muslim rulers of East Bengal. It became as the capital of Bengal during Isa Khan’s ruling. The area falls under present-day Narayanganj District, Bangladesh. This mosque is more elegant and ornate in comparison to the earlier Sultanate mosques at Bagerhat.

There are some ornamental black stone pillars inside the prayer hall for the support of the roof. Corresponding to the three arched doorways on the east there are three richly decorated mihrabs on the west wall, of which the central one is bigger and beautifully embellished with curved floral and arabesque relief on dark black stone, but the flanking side mihrabs are ornamented with delicate terracotta floral and geometric patterns. The central stone mihrab is framed within an arched panel with an expanded sunflower motif in the center. Below that the spandrels of the multi-cusped arch of the mihrab are decorated within a rectangular frame. The engrailed arched recess is carried on stunted octagonal pillars faceted at stages. Four round-banded turrets at the outer corners rise up to the curvilinear cornice.
Duration: 1 – 2 hrs

Sadar Bari – Sonargaon Folk Art and Craft Museum


There are a folk art and craft museum for the visitors & tourist traveling in Sonargaon.Sonargaon Folk Art and Craft Museum remains open from morning to afternoon (9 AM to 5 PM). Wednesday and the Thursday, this museum is closed for the weekend. This is prosperous with several unique collections those you’ll never find at any other place. Some are lost from our country, and only those are remains. The main museum building is placed at the “Sardar Bari”. “Sardar Bari” was built by a Hindu Zamindar of Sonargaon in 1901. Alike the other Zamindar house of that period, this one also looks like Indian houses, but the shape of the house was looked like the European Palaces. The baroque decoration and the elaborate painting on the plaster of the building are really eye catching.


Lok Shilpa Jadughar (Folk Art and Craft Museum) of Sonargaon was established by Bangladeshi painter Joynul Abedin on March 12, 1975.

It will cost you BDT20 to enter the museum area. It’s a vast area, and will take you lots of time to round the area. You’ll find an art gallery of “Zainul Abedin” inside the museum area. There are two Exhibition Galleries inside the museum. Both of them consist of some status showing the local life of Bangladeshi people, for example, farming, woman working etc. Also, you’ll find the miniature version of the several boats from my country, which is now a day vanished after competing with the mechanical vehicles.
Duration: 2 – 3hrs

Panam Nagar – The old city


Ancient Painam, a locality now in Sonargaon upazila of Narayanganj district. It is about 2.5 kilometer to the north of Dhaka-Chittagong highway at Mograpara point. It is said to have been the site of Hindu capital city of Sonargaon emerging in the seventh decade of the thirteenth century. The Panam area formed part of the Muslim metropolis developed on the south of the old city, and perhaps constituted the place of residence of the early Muslim governors’. After the Mughal conquest of Sonargaon (1611) the Panam area was connected with the ruling metropolis by the construction of highways and bridges. Panam still possesses three brick bridges belonging to the Mughal period: Panam Bridge, Dalalpur Bridge and Panamnagar Bridge.

Panamnagar, a unique township, stretched in a single street 5 meter wide on the average and 600 meter in length. All the buildings have the character of urban street front houses and are lined up on either side of this street which ends up at the Panam bazar. Fifty-two houses exist in dilapidated and disused condition having 31 in the north side of the street and 21 on the south. Panamnagar appears to be well protected by artificial canals all around. Two fairly wide canals run parallel to the street on its either side and joined by a narrow canal on the western side over which is the entrance bridge (Panamnagar Bridge). On the eastern side, the canal on the south swerves rightward and goes eastward crossing the north-south road that passes through the Panam bazar. The northern canal, the Pankhiraj Khal, runs eastward to meet the Meghna-Menikhali stream.
Duration: 1-2hrs

Nearby Restaurant: 
1.Kolapata Restaurant, Mograpara Chourasta, Soanargaon, Cell: 01760144144
2.Khaja Restaurant, Mograpara Chourasta, Sonargaon, Cell: 01815708079
3.Melin Kabab, Soup & Biryani House, Mograpara Chourasta, Sonargaon, Cell: 01816586220
4.Cafe Sonargaon Hotel & Restaurant, 1no. Gate of Museum,Ichapara, Cell:01819932696
5.Ruposhi Bangla Restaurant, 1no. gate of Museum, ichapara, Cell: 01712289708
6.Tazmahal Hotel, 1no. gate of Museum, ichapara, Cell: 01819167894

Transportation: Taxi, Car, Microbus, Minibus – Rent for whole day 4000 – 5000BDT

Content: offroadbangladesh & Photo: google

Posted in Sreemangal, Tours

03 Days, 02 Nights in Sreemangal

Day-01: Tea Plantations, and Tribal Villages

  • Pick up from the hotel at 06.30 H, transfer to Airport Railway Station, and take 07.12 H Parabat Express to Srimangal. Our guide at Dhaka will help you board the train and find your seats. Arrive Srimangal around 12.30 H. Upon arrival, our guide at Srimangal will meet you at the train station, and transfer you to the resort.
  • After check-in, freshen up, and lunch, visit tea gardens and a tribal village in Srimangal.
  • After dinner, we’ll take you to Nilkontho Tea cabin to taste the famous 7 layer tea of Srimangal.
  • Overnight at Srimangal.

Day-02: Lawachara National Park, and Cycling

  • Early morning, go for a rewarding wildlife trekking through the Lawachara National Park. We take the 03 hours trail for the maximum opportunity to see wildlife, specially the Hollock Gibbons for which this forest is famous for.
  • Return to the resort, have lunch and take some rest.
  • Cycling through the trails of beautiful tea gardens rests of the day. People who love cycling, Srimangal could be a heaven for them. Trails through the tea gardens are scenic and also not very extreme. You’ll also be cycling through the rubber plantations, pineapple gardens, lemon orchards, and village roads. You’ll be cycling until the sun set. If you prefer not to do cycling, we’ll take you in sightseeing by car.
  • Overnight at Srimangal.

Day-03: Free Morning

  • Morning is free to do anything you like.
  • Transfer to the railway station, and take 10.31 H Jayantika Express to Dhaka. Arrive Dhaka Airport Station around 16.20 H, transfer to hotel, and say goodbye.
  • End of the tour.

Best time to travel:
April – November: You’ll see female tribal workers picking tea on numerous tea gardens at Srimangal, which is very picturesque. Best time of the year to travel.
November – March: Weather is cool and comfortable, and less humid.

Itenary made by: nijhoom tours

Posted in Sundarban, Tours

Sundarban, Khulna – 4 DaysTour

Mangrove Forest Trip : Sundarban Tour Package
Dhaka-Sundarban-Dhaka [3 Nights 4 Days]

On a standard package – cannot be guaranteed you a sighting of the fabled “Royal Bengal Tiger” but can be promise to take you to the land of the fearsome “bhag” where culture and tradition has grown around respecting lush forest with its abundance of exotic and unique species of animals, flora and insects. Sundarban is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The Largest single block tidal halophytic mangrove forest in the world. Home of majestic Royal Bengal Titers, Leopard, Jungle Cats, Deer, Dolphins, Reptiles, Birds. You could meet with Honey collectors, Fishermen of Sundarban.

  • Day 1 – Dhaka to Khulna – Evening starts for Khulna (435km) by A/C Bus, Non AC bus from Kalabagan, Gabtoli Bus Stand or A/C Train from Kamalapur Rail Station.
    Bus Service: Green Line Bus Services, Sohagh Poribahan, Hanif Enterprise, Shyamoli Poribahan.
    Rent:  AC 1000 – 1200BDT, Non AC 400 – 550BDT
    Train Rent : AC – Non AC (350 – 800BDT)
    Book online bus ticket from
    After reaching Khulna or from Dhaka you can book tour or you can hire microbus or by local transport to reach Sundarban entry point, you will found there a lots of boatman waiting with their vessel. Bargain to fix price for one or two days. For
  • Day 2 – Sundarban – Upon arrival on board tourist vessel and start cruise to Sundarban mangrove forest and the land of Royal Bengal Tigers for 3 Days.
  • Day 3 – Sundarban – At Kotka Bird watching, jungle tracking, fun on beach, Kochikhali jungle walk,
  • Day 4 – Sundarban-Khulna – Explore the beauty of Kochikhali-back to Khulna-overnight journey to Dhaka.

Approx Package cost per person : 10,500 BDT

Contact & Address :
The Tiger Trail
Mobile : +88 01744629429, 01926788622
Email : /

For more details and help – Bangladesh Govt. Tourism Board
Phone: 0258315954